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Learn 2 Coach Runners: Foundations & Technique
Course Introduction
Introduction to L2CR (2:03)
Why Learn 2 Run? (2:39)
THE THREE C'S (3:50)
Course Outline (2:30)
Downloadable Cheat Sheets
Learn 2 Coach YOURSELF!
Pre-Course Quiz (0:15)
Why L2RSOP? (5:30)
Video Analysis Software Demo (1:55)
L2RSOP Setup and Execution: Outdoors (2:25)
L2RSOP Setup and Execution: Treadmill (1:48)
Common Questions (3:18)
CLASSIFY: 3 Form Faults
Safe Running Form Classification: The 3x3 (4:18)
Phase 1: Initial Foot Flat (IFF) (2:07)
Phase 2: Midstance (MS) (1:25)
Phase 3: Peak Vertical (PV) (1:12)
"The Big 3 Form Faults" (1:42)
L2R Classification Quiz
Classifying Application
How to Facilitate Learning
A B A Teach-back Method (1:23)
Fault Corrections Framework (2:06)
Hybrid Cues & Drills (0:30)
Fault 1: Overstriding
Background (11:03)
What is the difference between a stride and step? (1:18)
Classify: OS (2:52)
OS Corrections Outline (3:23)
Correction: Coaches Cues (9:16)
Correction: Physical Drills (17:08)
Troubleshooting OS (2:47)
OS Didactic Quiz
OS Practice Videos (0:17)
Fault 2: Posture
Background (6:18)
Classify: Posture (2:59)
Posture Corrections Outline (2:21)
Correction: Coaches Cues (6:29)
Correction: Physical Drills (4:36)
Troubleshooting (1:55)
Didactic Quiz
Posture Practice Video (0:14)
Fault 3: Bounding
Background (9:42)
Classify: Bounding (6:17)
Bounding Corrections Outline (2:07)
Correction: Coaches Cues (2:25)
Correction: Physical Drills (9:20)
Troubleshooting (4:45)
Didactic Quiz
Bounding Practice Video (0:22)
Case Study Implementation
Pre-Course Quiz: Re-do (0:15)
Intro & tour of HEP2GO (1:18)
Final Test
Practical Application Test 1 (0:34)
Practical Application Test 2 (0:22)
Practical Application Test 3 (0:34)
Practical Application Test 4 (0:12)
Answers to Practical App 1-4 (0:38)
Final Test
Classify: Posture
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